News & Events

Leadership for Flourishing Conference

13-14 June 2024

Day 1. Thursday 13 June 2024: Educational leadership for flourishing founded on character.

Wellington College, Berkshire, UK.

Day 2. Friday 14 June 2024: Leadership for flourishing founded on character.

Worcester College, University of Oxford, UK.

This conference will reimagine leadership as empowering ecosystem-wide flourishing. We will build on both the extensive academic research regarding the power of leadership to impact individuals, organizations, societies, and ecosystems; and on the scientific and philosophical work on the nature and drivers of ecosystem-wide flourishing.

We aim to apply recent research to integrate the science and philosophy of flourishing with the art and science of leadership, and take flourishing to scale in organizations globally. Our 2024 conference will focus on the role of and development of character that empowers flourishing at all levels.

We will build upon the work of the Leadership for Flourishing group, which is a part of the Flourishing Network at The Human Flourishing Program, at Harvard University’s Institute of Quantitative Social Sciences, the Wellington Leadership & Coaching Institute at The Bridge, Wellington College, and Global Social Leaders.

Conference principles

  • The purpose of leadership is ecosystem-wide flourishing

  • Love is key in both leadership and flourishing for individuals, organizations and societies globally

  • Character is foundational to leadership for flourishing

  • Anyone can lead because anyone can improve the flourishing of people and the planet.

Day 1 – Thursday 13 June is being held at Wellington College, Berkshire, UK. It will have an education focus.

Day 2 – Friday 14 June is being held at Worcester College, University of Oxford. It will explore leadership for ecosystem-wide flourishing across a range of sectors.

To join us at Wellington and/or Oxford, and for more information, please book here.

Draft schedule for Day1 - Wellington College

0845 - Transport from Oxford hotels to Wellington

1030 –    Registration and coffee

1100   –   Welcome - Mr William Jackson, Mrs Emmie Bidston and Dr Katy Granville-Chapman (Great School)

1115   –   Session 1: Keynote - Ms Lina Tori Jan

1145   –   Session 2: Panel 1 -Mrs Jane Lunnon; Mr Angus McDonald & Mr Scott Baldwin; Mr Ian Morris; Mr Jon Harper

1215   –   Lunch

1315   –   Breakout session 1: Building on sessions 1 and 2 (meet in Great School)

1415   –   Tea

1430   –   Session 3: Panel 2 - Dr Andrew Nevin; Dr Harry Jones; Mr Simon Lightman; Miss Alexandra Hanratty

1500   –   Breakout session 2: Building on session 3

1545   –   Tea

1600   –   Session 4: Panel 3: Mr Tim Head; Dr Evan Dutmer; Ms Naima Charlier

1630   –   Breakout session 3: Building on session 4

1700   –   Review of the day and next steps

1715   –   Tour of Wellington College (optional)

1745 - Drinks

1815 - Dinner - Wellington College

1945 - Transport to Oxford hotels

Draft Schedule for Day 2 - Worcester College, Oxford


0930 –    Registration and coffee

1000   –   Welcome - Dr Katy Granville-Chapman and Mrs Emmie Bidston

1015   –   Session 1: Keynote - Sir Anthony Seldon

1045   –   Session 2: Panel 1 - Dr Jim Ritchie-Dunham, Ms Brandyn Keating, Dr Louise Drake, Dr Noémie Le Pertel, Dr Cath Bishop, Mr Raja Karthikeya

1130   –   Coffee 

1145   –   Breakout session 1: Building on sessions 1 and 2

1230   –   Lunch

1330   –   Session 3: Panel 2 -Dr Scott Parsons, Dr Nigel Fancourt, Professor Verónica Fernández, Miss Anjali Sarker, Dr David Pickersgill

1415   –   Breakout session 2: Building on session 3

1500   –   Tea

1515   –   Session 4: Panel 3 - Dr Eri Mountbatten-O’Malley, Dr Elena Antonacopoulou, Mrs Helen Bentley, Mr Tom Gaymor; Mr Daniel Shakani; Dr Adeyinka Adewale; Miss Jess Talbot

1600   –   Breakout session 3: Building on session 4

1640   –   Review of the day and next steps

1700   –   Tour of Oxford (optional)

1745 - Drinks - The Lighthouse, Oxford